Friday 19 August 2016

How to Cure Puffy Eyes

How to Cure Puffy Eyes
Here are several approaches for quick fixes to relieve puffy eyes:
• Fatigue may cause the swollen of eyes and giving your body enough rest can lessen the inflammation. Sleep deprivation is also contributing factor for this.
• Cold temperature can make your blood vessels tighten. Place a chilled eye mask for ten to fifteen minutes. Chilled leftover cucumber or teabags (chamomile tea bags are the most effective) can be a replacement in eye mask if it is not available. Of course, ice bag is still the universal first aid as first resolution to address this problem.
• It is a natural body reaction for eyes to get red and swollen after we shed tears. Use natural honey and apply it to puffy eyes. Do not panic if you feel a burning sensation around it. Rinse the residue of honey after 20 minutes using cold water.
• Remember that cold temperature encourages blood vessels to constrict. Therefore, drink plenty of water and beverages for better fluid drainage. Best way to reduce the swollen is keeping your body hydrated. Try this for long period of time and you can see the best result.
• Apply cream with vitamin E and Aloe. These are great in soothing eyes.
• Salty food can only worsen the condition of your eyes. Refrain from too much sodium intake for it retains excess fluid and by tucking the fluid away can reduce the swelling. Observe healthy diet for fast recovery. Cabbage and cranberry juice are diuretics lessening the excess fluid while raisins and bananas can only alleviate the fluid retention. Never take caffeine if you don’t like to bring back your puffy eyes. You will stay awake all night long.
• Do not rub your eyes because it would aggravate the irritation. Be patient to endure the annoying painful reaction of swollen eyes. It may take hours or days before the inflammation subside.
• Before you go to sleep please take note to remove contact lenses. Sometimes due to an exhausted day, you do not care to remove this from your eyes and many problems happened from that simple act of carelessness.

How to Look Beautiful in Pictures

How to Look Beautiful in Pictures
Taking Pictures
Pictures are a great way to create and keep a memory of many events that happen in our lives. Generally, most pictures have a way of sticking around forever even those that do not show a very flattering picture of you. Perhaps you are the type of person who does not like to have their picture taken and when you look back through the course of time you are missing from most of the pictures. This does not have to be the way it is because there are many tips that can help anyone look more beautiful in pictures. You just have to know what these tricks are and how to use them to help you create the best pictures.
Check the Mirror
The most important step in getting a great picture is to always check the mirror before having a picture taken. This can eliminate any stray hairs or any marking found on your face. Since it is hard to tell all of the times that you may be asked to have your picture taken, it is a good idea to have a small mirror handy like in your purse or wallet that you will easily be able to grab and check yourself if the need arises. Having a small comb or brush available to fix your hair would also be another great tool. This will enable you to be ready at all times and always have a great picture taken.
Keep Good Posture
We do not always think about it but having a good posture is equally important. You need to keep your back straight and your head up. This will help you appear thinner and not sluggish. Be sure to raise your chin up because this will help keep you from looking like you have a double chin. Although good posture is very important, take note that you do not leave your shoulders looking stiff but try to keep them relaxed. If your shoulder looks tense the picture will not seem natural and you will look very uncomfortable. So shoulders back and head up is always a good rule to remember as the picture is being taken.
Stand Right
Beauty queens have learned a little trick that helps them look thinner and taller at the same time – when standing put one leg slightly behind the other. You will need to put the majority of your weight on your back foot and keep your front knee slightly bent. This will make you look better and is a rather easy step to do but will only work when you are standing for a picture. Not only can you use this technique for pictures but it will work any time you need to stand in front of a group of people. You may want to practice this technique a little before the pictures so that you look more natural. Before you know it, this stance will seem like second nature to you.
Your smile is one of the most important parts of a picture and can cause a lot of people stress. Forming a smile that is all your own can be easily done by just practicing in the mirror. Maybe you already like your smile in many pictures that you take and if that is the case you can just keep practicing that type of smile. If however you are like most of us and hate your smile on pictures then you need to teach yourself a new one. Stand in front of the mirror and try different smiles until you find one that suits you. Whether to show teeth or not, how wide to smile or if even to smile at all are all options for you to choose from.
Once you have picked out your look you need to keep standing in front of the mirror and practice your new found look. You should keep practicing until your smile becomes second nature to you and you will be able to perform it without looking in the mirror. This will take some of the awkwardness out of your pictures and will leave you more relaxed at picture time because you will not have to worry about what your smile looks like.
Watch Camera Location
How you position yourself in front of the camera can play a very important role in what your picture will look like. You will not want to face the camera head on because this will actually have you looking heavier in the picture. You will want to stand or sit at about a forty-five degree angle from the camera. If you have ever gone to a professional photographer, you will see that they will place you at this angle because they already know the flattering look that this will give you.
You will also want to try to place yourself just below the lens of the camera. If at all possible the camera should be placed just above eye level. If you are not having the picture done professionally this may be difficult to have done because most people do not understand this technique. You can try sitting on a stool or asking the photographer to raise the camera lens slightly.
Use the Light Source
You should always be aware of where the light source is when taking a picture and learn to use it to your advantage. You will want to place yourself so that you are facing the sunlight, which is the opposite of how many people take pictures. Professional photographers will do this by placing lights behind the area where you are to have your pictures done and they call this short lighting. By doing this it will create a shadowing over you that will work as an optical illusion to make you look and appear to be thinner. If you are having an inside picture taken this may not be possible to be done because the flash on the camera may be the only light source available. In these cases, you will just have to use the other techniques instead.
Be Confident
Confidence is one of those funny things that can be seen or not seen, even in a picture. If you are not sure of yourself when the picture is being taken, your lack of confidence will show through on the picture. If you have used all of the techniques above and have practiced until you are sure you have your stand and smile right, there is no reason that you should not be confident when you have your picture taken.
Try to relax and just enjoy that occasion that you are having and have fun. If you have taken bad pictures in the past, you are probably going to be anxious but try to calm down. After all it is just a picture and pictures can be taken over if they do not come out right the first time. The more relaxed and confident you can be the better picture you will show.
This tips when used together can help you look beautiful for every picture you take. Remember that pictures are designed more for the memories that they are capturing than for what you specifically look like that day. Just have fun and plan ahead and every picture you take will have you looking your best.

The Science of Beauty

The Science of Beauty
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... right? Well according to science, no it isn't really. While we sometimes comfort ourselves in the fact that people's tastes vary, countless research has unfortunately shown that there is a general consensus on what is attractive and what isn't. And to be honest this is something you probably noticed yourself already...
So the question is, what is it that dictates what we think of as beautiful and what we find unattractive? Where did these seemingly arbitrary rules come from, and how can we make our own looks more appealing to the masses? Here we will look at a few answers offered by science.
Evolutionary Psychology
Evolution has played a part in every aspect of humanity from our psychology to our society and has been the driving force behind our development since before we were even human.
This then is also one of the big driving forces behind our beliefs regarding beauty. Whether a person is attractive or not then is largely down to whether they represent a healthy mate who would provide healthy offspring and thus help us to perpetuate our genetic code after we are gone.
One thing we consider to be attractive in a mate then is symmetry, and the reason for this is hypothesized to be because that symmetry represents the ability for our cells to reproduce successfully through mitosis without error, which in turn means you are less likely to suffer diseases such as cancer. Supporting this theory is the fact that celebrities considered to be attractive often have faces that are statistically more symmetrical than the average.
Likewise if a man looks healthy then that means they probably lead a good life, which probably means they are more likely to have good resources and a high status which they are likely to use to help further their children's health and success. Thus a muscular body is attractive because it suggests the man can protect his offspring AND because it suggests they are healthy and have access to the right food.
For women men are evolutionarily looking for signs of fertility which likewise suggest that they will be able to give birth to a healthy child and look after them. This then means that men will consider a woman more attractive if she has a good hip to waist ratio ('child bearing hips'), and large breasts. In fact it has been shown that there is a 'golden ratio' for hips and waists and that is considered most attractive to men.
It has even been suggested that men are attracted to full and voluptuous lips because they remind them of the vagina on an unconscious level, and buttocks because they look like breasts.
Social Psychology
Society and external factors however also influence our cultural views of attractiveness, and these views even change over time. The reason for this is that we can develop associations in our mind between certain images and certain feelings. Throughout our daily lives we are constantly bombarded by images of specimens of physical health in the form of celebrities. These individuals are constantly shown to be attractive and to have ideal lives and lots of success, and so we begin to create the association unconsciously in our minds between that look and success and happiness.
Because celebrities use air brushing to have the perfect hips, and because they have the money to afford expensive dental procedures etc., that then means that we come to believe that those things are the marks of someone who is successful and desirable and so they become attractive to us.
Evidence for this comes from the fact that historically it was considered attractive to be considerably more plump which was taken to be a sign of wealth and god eating. Today when Western civilizations generally have access to lots of food it is considered attractive to be somewhat thinner which is now associated with exercise and a more active lifestyle.
Individual Differences
But this then begs the question – where do individual differences come from? Well one reason that our tastes vary is that 'like attracts like' when it comes to physical features and that we are far more likely to find someone attractive if they look a lot like us. This is likely because someone who looks like us is likely to be a good genetic match, but also because it enables us to encourage more of our traits to survive in the offspring. It's also been suggested that we choose our partners partly through scent and this can help us to choose our best genetic match too.
Another reason for our individual differences may be due to our personal experiences and the associations that we develop throughout our lives. A fetish for shoes for instance might be a result of seeing shoes during sexual intercourse, or of being very attracted to someone who also happened to wear very prominent shoes.

The Benefits of Being an Early Riser

The Benefits of Being an Early Riser
If you want to improve your health, your energy levels and your lifestyle, then waking up a bit earlier and getting out of bed first thing in the morning just might be the solution you're looking for. There are many reasons why being an early riser is the best way to start getting more done and feeling healthier, so let's look at what those are.
You Get More Sleep
If you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, you will often find that this results in you getting more sleep. The reason for this is that you are better able to control what time you go to bed than you are to control what time you get up due to social factors. If you become a 'night owl' and constantly stay up late, you'll find that there are times when you need to wake up early (such as to go to work) and then you'll be operating on very little sleep.
On the other hand though, if you're an early bird, and you know you're going to have to wake up early, you can simply go to bed a little earlier and you'll be ready. It's rare that anyone forces you to stay awake all night, and when they do, you usually have the next day to recover.
In short, the world wants us to be early risers, and thus if you become an early bird you will more often be in sync with everyone else and less often be playing catch-up.
You Get Better Sleep
As well as getting more sleep, those who go to bed early and wake up early will probably also have a better quality of sleep. The reason for this is it means your sleep/wake cycle will be closer to the rising and setting of the sun. This will then mean that your 'internal pacemaker' (your natural body clock) is closer to the 'external zeitgebers' (the external cues that indicate what time it is).
When the sun is out, our body detects this and produces less melatonin. Even if that doesn't wake you up, it means your sleep won't be as deep. In short then, the most restorative sleep is that which happens when it's darkest. And that's usually from around 10-11pm through to 5-6am.
You Get a Slower Start
If you're constantly rushing in the morning, then you will be getting your day off to about the worst start possible. Rushing like mad first thing in the morning means you're unlikely to get a proper breakfast, it means you're probably going to forget something and it definitely means you're going to feel very stressed out and panicked. How about a huge shot of stress hormones to get you started? And it's not a good idea for your back to rush first thing in the morning either – seeing as it will be softer and more easily injured when you first spring out of bed.
Imagine being able to get up one or two hours before you need to leave. That way you could make yourself a great breakfast, take a long hot shower, do some stretching or meditation and maybe watch the news while you iron. You'll find that as a result, you turn up to work lookingmuch better, feeling much better and performing much better.
It's Quieter
But it's not just on weekdays that waking early is a boon. Waking up early can also be highly beneficial on the weekends as it means you get to be up and about during the quieter times of day when there's no one around. Resultingly, you'll have a few quiet hours now to watch your favourite show, to read the paper or to work on a side-business or a novel. Studies actually show that you are more creative when you first wake up because your 'groggy brain' is more likely to make unique connections as it wonders off-topic (1).
The Evening Is Wasted Time
While being groggy in the morning might lead to more creative story writing, trying to do the same thing late at night is often less effective. The reason for this is that you're not just groggy at that point, but physically and mentally exhausted from a tough day in the office. Thus, you won't just gain more creativity from your tiredness – you'll also lose your ability to motivate yourself and this means you'll often spend hours just procrastinating. If you've been watching YouTube videos for the last half hour or watching a countdown of the top 100 sitcoms, then wouldn't you be better off just going to bed now and doing something more useful or fun in the morning?

Carrot Juice Benefits

Carrot Juice Benefits
Carrot juice is not one of the popular juices that most of us have in our fridge. To most of us, juice means ‘from fruit’; but with more and more people becoming interested in superfoods and nutritious eating, vegetable juices are starting to become a little more in-vogue.
And of these juices, carrot juice is one of the more accessible, tasty and highly beneficial. Read on and we’ll examine the health benefits of carrot juice and why it’s a very worthy addition to your diet…
The Basics
Drinking carrot juice or any vegetable juice is a great idea if you want top fuel your body with nutrients because it will provide the same nutrients but without the large amounts of sugar found in fruits like apples and oranges. This makes it less damaging to your teeth, less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin and actually less fattening too. Whereas apple juice contains 46 calories per 100 grams, carrot juice contains 39 calories.
Carrots contain something called ‘lutein’. This is a carotenoid that is found in the macular (in the eye) and which many people seek out in order to improve their vision and their eye health. Specifically, lutein is generally considered to be a very good ingredient for preventing macular degeneration and supplementation can be effective to this end according to research (1).
What really makes lutein exciting though is more recent research that shows it can increase energy levels by enhancing the efficiency of the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the small ‘energy factories’ that live inside our cells and that allow our bodies to convert glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as useable energy. The more mitochondria we have, the more energy efficient we become which makes us better at getting more energy from our diet and helps us to burn through fat as well.
One study into the effects of Lutein was recently published in PLoS One (2). In this study, it was shown that rats that were given Lutein would spend more time on their wheels than other rats and burn more fat as a result. The rats were running from their own volition, presumably because they had more energy. When the lutein was combined with milk to aid absorption, the rats ran 10km more than the control group over a period of 5-6 weeks.
Carrot juice also contains B vitamins which are actually also beneficial for improving energy levels. B vitamins once again help us to extract energy from our food and carbs and this means that the same food will go further in terms of our energy levels. At the same time, B vitamins also help to provide the blood with more red blood cells thereby transporting more oxygen around the body when we are taxing our aerobic system.
Carrots are a good source of a range of vitamins and minerals. Beta-carotene and vitamin A both help to improve the immune system while protecting the body from free radicals. Vitamin C also helps to do the same thing and also increases the amount of serotonin in the brain – thus boosting our mood.
All this means carrots can help you to prevent illness and even reduce your chances of cancer for a long, healthy life and youthful looking skin!
Other Benefits
On top of this, carrots are also beneficial in numerous other ways. For instance, potassium is useful for stabilizing blood sugar when combined with manganese and magnesium. Likewise, the fiber is great for blood pressure and cholesterol and you also get a good amount of protein in your carrot juice. Vitamin K also helps to strengthen the bones.
When you combine all these benefits, it’s clear to see that carrots are a great choice if you want to enjoy a tasty drink that will help fortify your body against disease and improve your eyesight, bone strength and more! Why not add carrot to a vegetable smoothie and combine that with some other ingredients that are low in sugar and high in all the good stuff?

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Adult Acne | Top 5 Home Remedies

Adult Acne | Top 5 Home Remedies

No treatment is better than a natural treatment. Remedies applied at home are sometimes healthier than you get in a saloon. Using common food a homemade facial mask can be made for the remedies of acne.


Using honey and cinnamon you can make a face mask that is a killer combo for acne. Anti bacterial properties of cinnamon and the natural anti biotic characteristic of honey will help you wiping out your acne at home.


Cucumber is very rich in nature for skin treatments. It soothes your skin and can be a best skin toner. Cucumber face masks help you remove acne, rashes and other skin problems. Its face  pack is a cooling mask that smoothes your skin.


Oranges are rich in vitamin C and citric acid. They refresh your skin and makes it glowing and shiny. Banana peel contains lutein that is an antioxidant that reduces swelling and inflammation. Using banana peel on your face can reduce the effect of acne.


Aloe Vera contains antibacterial properties. Using aloe gel for skin helps reducing redness and swelling. It plays an important role in the treatment of acne and many other skin problems. It can also be used with other things.


Lemon works as an astringent. It contracts body tissues. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C and citric acid. They are used for all skin types. Lemons are natural skin whiteners. It also exfoliates the skin.

The Dangers of Undercooked Chicken

The Dangers of Undercooked Chicken
Chicken is a great source of protein that’s highly bioavailable but also lean and low in fat. If you’re training for an athletic or sporting event, or if you’re trying to build lean muscle, then there are few better meals than lean chicken. At the same time it’s also delicious and very quick and cheap to prepare when compared to other meats like pork or beef.
However despite its many benefits it is also highly important that your chicken be properly cooked, and if it isn’t it can potentially be a course of illness and actually very dangerous.
Unfortunately white meat is much more likely to contain bacteria. This means pork to a degree, but chicken is arguably the main culprit being infected with salmonella, campylobacter and many other kinds of bacteria in many cases. In fact in a study examining 382 samples of chicken (purchased from one hundred different food stores) it was found that only 34% of those birds were completely free of disease and bacteria.
The bad news is that it only takes a single drop of raw chicken juices to pass on an illness and that means it can be spread by things like cutting boards and knives. The good news however is that it is relatively simple to kill any bacteria that might be infesting your chicken and at the same time most people will also recover from salmonella etc. without lasting damage. That said it’s still very important to take care. Following are some precautions you can take.
Keeping Your Chicken Safe
To kill off ay bacteria you should aim to cook your meat at around 168 degrees Fahrenheit and all the way through so that the middle reaches those temperatures too. Read the guidelines on the packaging and make sure to take the weight into account. If in doubt just cook it a bit longer – it’s always preferable to overcook your chicken rather than to undercook it – the worst that can happen in the latter case is that it’s a little bit tough and dry. Make sure that you check the state of your chicken by cutting through it to ensure that the middle is white (rather than just the outside), and make sure that the juices that come from it are clear rather than pink or red as well.
You should also make sure that you choose your chicken wisely – make sure it is from a free range farm and be willing to pay a bit more for a better quality cut of meat. Bacteria are more likely to be a problem on cheap chicken that was kept in a cage. You must also ensure that your chicken is in date and that it looks like it’s in good condition (be weary of brown or stringy looking chicken).
After you have prepared your chicken make sure to immediately wash up everything that came into contact with it – which includes chopping boards, knives and of course your own hands.
You also need to think about the condition of chicken that you eat out. Be wary when eating out and inspect the quality of the venue before choosing your order – is the food sealed? Was it prepared on a clean surface? Check over all your food as well before eating it – and don’t worry about ‘looking rude’ because your health is much more important than your reputation.